Hits to Healing

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To live in your body and only see through a peephole, to say the least, is one of the most life-altering realities. To not be able to distinguish which emotion goes where, and at what time threw me into so many loopholes in life. Loopholes played key parts in moments that now play a foundational staple in my life.

I struggled with kidney failure for 8 years, I am grateful to be alive. A little less than two years ago, I was blessed with a brother who, without hesitation, donated his kidney. The transplant gave me a new lease on life.

I had 10% kidney function, mood swings, and would shut down at random moments, and be upbeat the next. All of this while constantly being asked, “What are you up to?” “What projects do you have coming out?” “Any singles coming?” “Who are you working with?” That’s the thing about the music industry people, without fail, just assume you have to always be at 100%, and if you aren’t, the success and accolades you’ve already earned never happened. 

People turn their backs on me immediately after the shift in my health, I was called crazy, I heard I fell off, I was told the best of my career was behind me… It’s funny when people project their definition of you being “up or down” based on what you can do for them and their careers.

To be accountable, I’m sure I’ve confused people over time, as well as offended some. I would like to apologize to anyone who feels I’ve wronged them in any way, even if it was just in passing. 

Life is a very funny thing. We take it for granted as if we know for a fact that we are going to be here forever.  But that’s also what pushes us to go hard every day and make the choices we make. Legacy is now. Life is now. I’ve learned to live by that more than ever. We can’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

Feel what you need to feel. Go through whatever you have to. Hurt, and then heal for however long is needed, but never stay down.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very private person, and not much of a social media confessional guy. However, I want to thank my Brother @kmichael_81 for saving my life. I can’t say I would be here right now without him. I asked Kevin to donate a kidney as casually as someone would ask for a cup of water, and without hesitation, he said “of course.” There will never be enough words to describe how grateful I am to you. Thanks, bro!! 

There is a real-life shift taking place, and now is not the time to be distracted, desperate, or defeated. With peace and grace, claim what is yours, live it out, and kindly take it because it belongs to you. Anyone who’s doing anything that they genuinely love—I celebrate you NOW and honor you for just that simple act. Accolades, awards, and recognition are always something to be proud of, but those are not needed to feel like you are doing something that matters!  Simply doing it is a celebration on its.

I’m sharing my story in hopes that this will inspire others and help people to realize that real shit happens on the journey, but that doesn’t stop anything. Life only re-routes you to a place where you can see what’s real, who’s real, and explain the WHY in everything we do.

I’m officially off my hiatus, and it’s go time. A lot of incredible things are coming.

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